Green Mars Currency
is 5.13M (Note) to 1.00GBP.
About the Currency | Purchase Currency
Green Mars ™ Economy ®
Our Economic Official Flag is Green - The Green Coat represents the proprietary economic region, values and heritage of its Citizens since Genesis. A parallel world named by its Founder as Green Mars ™.
Power is within
Activity Courses for
International Students
The digital course is our signature education module. From the beginning, students are ready for practical organization in the world. The course aims to improve your day-to-day life and application to job successes.
Course Payment
Course Work
Time Management
The Giant Calculator of Zy
Era Fund Management
The courses are practical, you require a email account and a little knowledge of how to send an email instruction, into And Meta Servers, for your activity to be done, in the Green Mars Economy ®
Aims & Challenges
Climate Change
The President of And Meta, invented the economic command-line method, to manage economic activity on Green Mars ™. He founded an Old World Region linked to Earth, a world affected by a changing climate.